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STUDY – Evaluating the response of the criminal justice system to cases of domestic violence in Cahul, Falesti, Stefan Voda districts and Chisinau municipality
FATALITY REVIEW REPORT of cases examined by the Commission in charge of monitoring and analysing domestic violence cases resulting in victims’ death or severe harm to bodily integrity in 2023
FATALITY REVIEW REPORT of cases examined by the Commission in charge of monitoring and analysing domestic violence cases resulting in victims’ death or severe harm to bodily integrity in 2022
Female police employees’ perceptions of sexual harassment
National Analytical Study on Femicide
Economic cost of gender inequalities in the Republic of Moldova
Monitoring of court proceedings in cases of domestic violence, sexual violence and trafficking in human beings
Alternative report of civil society for the CEDAW Committee
Study “Men and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova”
Positive Obligations of the State in the Domestic Violence Caselaw of the European Court of Human Rights