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Completed projects


Grant's period:

October 2020 – June 2022

Project title:„Strengthening efficiency and access to justice in Moldova”

Project’s goal: WLC activities under this project will focus on improving access to justice for victims of domestic violence. It will contribute to: capitalizing on the expertise and good international practices in the field of forensic medicine in the part related to the interaction of the forensic medicine system with the victims; documenting cases of domestic violence; elaboration of internal procedures for the intervention of forensic doctors in cases of domestic violence; initiating the procedure for revising the Regulation on the forensic assessment of the gravity of bodily injuries.

Another component of the CDF intervention is the identification, validation and comparison of coordinated intervention practices of actors in the justice sector in cases of domestic violence. Aspects related to cooperation between actors from justice sector in Comrat, Cimișlia, Criuleni and Soroca districts will be analyzed. Based on the analysis, a series of recommendations will be formulated in order to ensure a more efficient coordination of the intervention in accordance with the international standards in the field. At the same time, a practical model of coordinated response of the justice sector to cases of domestic violence will be proposed and promoted; the capacities of professionals from the four districts in applying the proposed model will be strengthened.


Grant's period:

July 2020 – June 2021

Project title: „Strengthening Law Enforcement Response to Domestic Violence in Moldova”

Project’s goal is to strengthen the capacity of police officers to respond effectively to situations of domestic violence. In this sense, the Women’s Law Center will carry out, in partnership with the National Inspectorate of Public Security, training for employees working in the first line of intervention in cases of domestic violence. At the same time, informative materials will be developed for victims and potential victims of violence that will be distributed through the Police Inspectorates.


Grant's period:

January 2021 – June 2021

Project title: „Protection from domestic violence”

The Women’s Law Center will provide a grant to strengthen the capacity of specialists within the NGO ”Женские инициативы”, which operates on the left bank of the Dniester. Representatives of the organization that provides support to victims of domestic violence (lawyer, social worker, coordinator of the specialized service) will undertake a documentation internship at the Women’s Law Center to understand the model of organization and operation of the specialized service for assistance to victims of domestic violence. ”Женские инициативы” will be guided in the process of elaborating its own activity regulation.

At the next stage, the NGO ”Женские инициативы” will carry out a series of activities in Grigoriopol district that will help improve the quality of services for victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence.


Grant's period:

May 2020 – September 2021

Project title: „Capacity building of the justice and law enforcement sector representatives in the efficient application of domestic violence legislation”

Project’s goal is to enhance the capacities of national authorities’ representatives in dealing with cases of gender-based violence, having a sound knowledge of its complex nature, in order to ensure an effective protection of women and girls through a proper enforcement of the law. The trainings will support the Integrated training centre for law enforcement to include the gender dimension into the institutional training of the justice sector and law enforcement representatives.


Grant's period:

June 2018 – May 2021

Project title: ”Ending Violence against Women”.

Project’s goal is to bring Republic of Moldova closer to the standards set out in the Council of Europe Convention on the prevention and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) by analyzing the compatibility of national legislation with the provisions of the Istanbul Convention and ensuring a coordinated response to cases of domestic violence.


Grant's period:

July 2020 – December 2020

Project title: „Strengthening Law Enforcement Response to Domestic Violence in Moldova”

Project’s goal is to improve the intervention of police officers in cases of domestic violence.


Grant's period:

January 2018 – December 2020

Project title: “Sexual and reproductive health”.

Project’s goal is to contribute to ensuring a prompt intervention in cases of domestic violence by police officers, doctors and social workers and to ensure collection of data on domestic violence from the health system of the Republic of Moldova.

Within the project will be elaborated sectoral instructions regarding the intervention of social assistants and medical institutions in cases of domestic violence. Also, will be evaluated the statistical indicators on the gender-based violence and domestic violence collected in the health system.


Perioada de implementare: 

Ianuarie 2015 – Decembrie 2019

Project title: ”Strengthening capacities of Prosecution and Judicial Response to Domestic Violence in Moldova”.

Project’s goal: the aim of the project is to enhance the capacity of the judiciary to effectively manage cases of gender-based violence and to provide maximum protection to victims of domestic violence and their children, so that victims receive appropriate remedies and offenders receive appropriate convictions.

During this period, trainings, round tables and awareness-raising activities will be organized for both specialists in the legal system and for the general public, with reference to the prevention of the phenomenon of domestic violence.


Grant's period:

July 2017 – June 2019

Project title: Institutional support for carrying out the activities from the WLC’s Strategic Plan.

Project’s goal: due to the support provided by Sweden, WLC had the possibility to implement activities aimed at reducing domestic violence cases in Moldova and to develop the institutional capacities of our organization.

At the same time, legal and psychological counseling services, including art-therapy and reading-therapy activities, were offered to women from Rusca Penitentiary who were victims of domestic violence.


Grant's period:

January 2019 – May 2019

Project title: Support to National Coalition “Life without Domestic Violence in Moldova” to improve protection for women and children victims of domestic violence”.

Project’s goal is to strengthen the capacities of the National Coalition “Life without violence” by assessing its needs, drawing up an evaluation report and presenting recommendations/conclusions for future activities.

At the same time, a series of trainings for psychologists working in the Coalition member organizations were conducted.


Implementation period:

January 2016 – December 2018

Project title: “Support to National Coalition “Life without Domestic Violence in Moldova” to improve protection for women and children victims of domestic violence”.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the network of service providers in the field, for better coordination of activities, to promote a common advocacy agenda aimed at reducing violence against women and domestic violence. In other news, the project aims to strengthen the institutional capacities of the National Coalition “Life without domestic violence” by improving decision-making mechanisms to promote legislative and institutional reforms.


Grant's period: 

May 2017 – April 2018

Project title: “Economic Empowerment of Women Victims of Domestic Violence”.

Project’s goal: although women of all demographics are susceptible to domestic violence, there are specific conditions that make women experience violence more frequently and more severely. First of all, women seeking to leave abusive partners often report economic concerns as a major barrier. Low socioeconomic status is determined by multiple causes such as, poverty, low education, lack of house, low income, or children with disabilities. Thus, the project aims to help women who have gone through the crisis to initiate or develop a business, to undertake specialization courses in order to overcome economic vulnerability.


Grant's period:

July 2016 – September 2017

Project title: ”Strengthened national capacity in integration of SRH rights into the health response to gender-based violence”

Project’s goal: to support the national efforts in the development of policy to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence, in accordance with international human rights standards and best practices. To this end, WLC will facilitate the process of coordination of the development of Strategy on VAW and will facilitate de process of adaptation of the regional SOPs to the national context. National consultations involving key actors and stakeholders will be organized.


Grant's period:

February 2017 – December 2017

Project title: ”Enhancing access to justice, legal aid and psychological support to women in detention”

Project’s goal is to help women in detention, who have been victims of domestic violence, to know and be able to claim their rights ensured by the law. At the same time, they had access to free legal and psychological counseling. Under the project where organized trainings for prison staff on human rights topics.