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Consiliere juridică – 080080000 (apel gratuit)

Women’s Law Center in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova seeks to receive expressions of interest by qualified professionals for filling the position of International Forensic Medicine Trainer to conduct a training on best practices of response to and documentation of domestic violence cases

I. Background

The Women’s Law Centre (WLC) is a non-governmental organization registered in 2009 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. WLC advocates for equal status opportunities for women and men in public life and within the family. The organization has been involved in advocacy and development of effective legislation on gender equality and domestic violence and is supporting women exposed to domestic violence by providing legal counselling and representation along with psychological and social assistance. WLC promotes Recognition, Respect, and Enforcement of women’s rights as human rights.

During 2020-2022, WLC participates in the implementation of the Project “Strengthening efficiency and access to justice in Moldova” implemented by UNDP Moldova with the financial support of Sweden. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to an increased efficiency of justice services and to improved access to justice of men and women in Moldova, in particular from vulnerable and marginalized groups, through enhanced capacities of forensic institutions to provide qualitative justice services, strengthened capacities of the justice sector actors in the selected pilot areas to provide coordinated response to men’s and women’s justice needs and strengthened civil society able to claim the respect of rights and engage in a constructive dialogue with the justice chain actors.

One of the project outputs is to strengthen the forensic system of the Republic of Moldova by consolidating the capacity of forensic doctors and staff to efficiently respond to cases of domestic violence, including through a series of trainings in the field, organized in partnership with the Forensic Medicine Center of the Republic of Moldova, that are based on a gendered understanding of the phenomenon and use a victim-centered approach.

II. Objective of the Assignment

The main objective is to enhance the capacities and knowledge of forensic doctors and medical assistants on best practices of response to and documentation of cases of domestic violence. To this purpose, the international trainer will conduct 4 consecutive one-day trainings for approx. 80 – 100 employees of the Forensic Medicine Center of the Republic of Moldova.

In cooperation with 1 or 2 other national trainers, the international trainer will deliver approx. 3-4 training hours per day. The international trainer will also participate in preparing the training agenda and will develop all necessary training materials and hand-outs for participants, including a final Training report summing up the entire activity.

III. Duration of the Assignment

The 4 consecutive one-day trainings are estimated to take place during April or May 2022.

IV. Organizational setting

The training is planned to be delivered offline, in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. The consultant will work closely with 1-2 local national trainers for content and organizational aspects and under the direct supervision of the WLC Project Manager. In addition, it is expected that the Consultant will be flexible to adjust the agenda based on objective requirements related to COVID 19 or any other urgent issues.

Required skills and experience

  1. Relevant education – Residency or Master degree in Forensic Medicine;
  2. At least 10 years of continuous professional experience in forensic medicine;
  3. At least 10 years of academic experience in the field of forensic medicine;
  4. Demonstrated knowledge (at least 3 scientific papers) of particularities of response to gender-based violence and domestic violence cases;
  5. Proven experience in designing and delivering presentations and training programs (at least 3);
  6. Preferably some experience in working in the Republic of Moldova or other East European countries with similar background.
  7. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English, working knowledge of Romanian or Russian would be an advantage.

Application procedure

For full consideration, applications must be received by 17:00 on April 05, 2022

Application will include:

Please send all application materials electronically to The subject line should read International Forensic Medicine Trainer. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the interview.

*Note! Women’s Law Center will provide logistical support to the international trainer, including organizing all the international travel and providing accommodation during her/his stay in the Republic of Moldova, as well as organizing all the logistics for the trainings.

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